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Friday, March 17, 2023

SPRINTER - The Winter before Spring and Spring after the Worst of Winter

 Everyday or about 300 days of 365 (probably closer to 350) the wind blows In Magna Utah and starts in one direction but changes it's mind several times at Magna Garden Cottage.

This makes Adaptability a criteria if you want a garden of any substance or inspiration. And Our Gardens are about inspiring others.

We call it a Witness and I don't have to say a word. The Gardens speak for themselves

UPDATING the OLD, Previewing the NEW / 3-17-23

Apparently I am being selectively targeted by a non Christian for the Christian Posts I had previously published. Algorithm and lodged complaint has caused posts to be removed starting from 2011 and on Fridays losing about 20 per Friday.

It's ok, because the notifications allow me to renew review and begin anew the Witness on  Blogger